New Moon Manifesting

There's an old Irish phrase, "The Wheel turns..." and while it's origins hearken back to the ancient Wheel of the Year, it's come to mean much more.⁣⁣
In Ireland a person will say, "the Wheel turns" to signify some bad luck will of course turn good again. Or to remind someone who's been wronged that the perpetrator will surely get theirs. Or to remind that nothing is the same forever, and that endings are part of the natural order of things. But mostly when we say, "The Wheel turns..." the core of it is hope. As we come into this New Moon, hope can bring us to brighter days.⁣⁣
The New Moon is the time when tides are pulled higher, water underneath the earth is pulled closer to the surface, and the soil is at it's most fertile. Now is the time of planting crops, of putting our hopes into fertile soil, and hoping for growth.⁣⁣
To move with this New Moon energy, take some time to get quiet. Light a candle, have some tea, and really dream big. Allow yourself to feel into what you'd truly wish for. Write them down, being careful of your wording--we don't want this to turn into a "be careful what you wish for" situation. 😉 Once you're done, read through them again, clarifying any wording and removing any that don't fully resonate with this New Moon. From experience, I'd suggest keeping it in the 3-8 wishes range. Any more than that and it seems to spread the manifesting energy too thin. When you're feeling good about your list, bury it in the earth. Water it if you'd like. ⁣⁣
If you feel some resistance finding that place of dreaming and wishing, a quick work-around is to ask yourself, "If I had permission to wish for whatever I wanted, what would that be?"⁣⁣
I posted a video of exactly how I write my wishes, including more specific examples for wording etc. up on my Instagram and in our Rooted Soul Sisterhood FB group. Get wishing!!


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Between Stone & Water