Take root & thrive

Hello Sister,

It’s time we remember. As the world moves faster and faster, a balance is needed. We’re feeling the pull to know our lineage and know ourselves. The ancestors are calling out to remind us of what was lost, acting as our roots, holding us strong. The soul wisdom and soul medicine passed down from the grandmothers is awakening within us.
Now is the time for women to know the transformational power of our feminine alchemy. For women to remember our role as the keepers of the sacred, to trust our inner voice, to accept our sensitivity as an ability, to heal both for ourselves and the collective.
As we remember, we become a living, breathing bridge between heaven and earth.

”Root into Being” comes from my deepest passion of reminding fellow sensitive souls that the most expansive, most profound growth & healing comes when we are living fully present and rooted within ourselves. This is the place that activates all other gifts. Like the roots of a tree, all ascension starts here.


Circle & Ceremony

Coming together in sisterhood is a healing unto itself. Incorporating the ancient healing of drum therapy and the sacredness of circle only add to it’s potency.

Celtic & Gaelic Ancestry

Every culture in history has had their own shamans. Your ancestors had a rich tradition of Earth-healing and soul medicine. Longing for what was lost can lead some to borrow or appropriate from other cultures to find the ancient ways. But there’s no need for that. Anchor into the power of your own spiritual heritage.


Here we remember the original oracles, seers, healers, and shamans were women. This wisdom and knowledge belongs to the grandmothers and has been passed down from one generation to the next. It is awakening now as more and more of us are called to restore these lost arts.

Trauma Healing

Never a replacement for appropriate mental health resources, this work offers the final piece in the triad of Mind - Body - Spirit healing. Specializing in sexual trauma & narcissistic abuse recovery, this soul-level healing has been invaluable to so many.

“That drum just saved my f***ing life.
Damn if that ain’t effective. So helpful, omg.”

—Lisa C.