Those are not capris!! 🙈 AKA: Why Diminishing Yourself Never Works

Y'all, all I ever wanted was to fit in. To just fade peacefully into the background and have no one notice me sounds like heaven. But apparently there were other plans. As a 6'1" woman with red hair, there is no crowd that I do not stand out in. I cannot hide. ⁣ ⁣

But somehow that did not stop my secret compulsion to try. I blame it on the childhood trauma of being too tall for the kid's rides by the time I was 6. 🤷‍♀️ ⁣

Whatever the reason, on so many levels, I kept trying to make myself fit into a normal world. So yeah. This is me a couple years ago, wearing "normal" jeans. A solid five inches too short and I can't bend my knees cuz my knees are where the shins go. 🤪 ⁣

And I know I'm not alone. What wonderful, too-much part of you are you trying to make fit in?? And you know I don't mean literally, right? 🙃 Is it your voice? Your gifts? What about those dreams? When are you gonna go for those??⁣ It's time to stop playing small. It doesn't fit, sis!! ⁣

The truth is we can't change what we came here to be. And thank heaven, cuz that means no mistakes, stupidity, or lapse in judgment can change it either. You are you no matter what. Take up space. Claim your gifts. Be the you that fits.


Happy 12 Days of… Oracles✨!!


Me & the Hag