Calling on the Ancestors

Hello Love,

Take a deep breath, we're gonna get you some help. When the winds blow, when the storms rage, when we can't figure out which way is up, our roots can save us. 

Try it out: Put your feet on the ground, bring your awareness into your feet, and that alone will start to awaken awareness throughout your body. It happens every time, it's almost like roots feed the tree or something. 😜

Our ancestors are our roots. They are ready and waiting to lend us strength, nourishment, encouragement and guidance. A simple way to start connecting with them is to create a space for them in your home. It could be a shelf, or a corner of your dresser, etc. but set aside some space that is just for them. Put up pictures of loved ones who have passed on. If you don't have pictures, write their names. If you don't have names, write their titles, i.e. grandmother. You may be surprised by how far back your ancestors are still connected to you, so don't be surprised if you feel called to reach farther back.

Make a habit of coming to them once a day. You can say hello, good morning, tell them you're thinking of them, ask them to be with you, write them a letter, tell them what you need help with, light a candle in honor of them-- whatever feels right. Let it be something easy for you. Know and feel that as they rest in the Earth, you can rest in them. They will hold you safe and offer you everything they can. 

Strong roots make for a strong tree. 🌲 Your roots are already waiting for you to tap in. As you connect you'll feel more grounded in your body and your inner knowing. Remember, the gifts you carry came through them.

Love love love, 💗



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