The shift into boundaries

Yesterday I posted about my birth story with my firstborn. You all were so sweet 💕. I look back with so much compassion for my former self. As you could probably tell, back then I could stand up and defend anyone but myself. My boundaries were extremely porous. You guys, the AC went out in my hospital room and instead of switching rooms I agreed to let the workmen in to fix it... WHILE I WAS HAVING A BABY. 🤦  Maybe you've never been that self-less or self-abandoning, but I say all this to say, if I can go from that extreme to healthy boundaries, healthy sense of self and healthy relationships, then I absolutely know you can to.⁣

Here's the truth about my healing process that I wish I could scream from the mountaintops: it all comes down to you owning all of yourself. Good, bad, ugly, all of it. When we know our trauma responses, when we allow healing there, when we open that vibrational awareness into our relationships, we heal everything. Not only within us, but around us.⁣

We're seeing the need for this personal work echoing on the macro-level all around us. As a collective we can't figure out how to connect. We can't figure out interdependence because we're fiercely loyal to independence or codependance. But when you hold a vibration of clarity, things shift everywhere. Your purpose becomes clearer, your spiritual gifts are easier to access, you manifest authentic relationships because you have the capacity for authentic connection, you trust yourself because you know yourself.⁣

I'm currently finalizing an online course focused on getting you there. I can't just sit by and not share what I've learned, when I know it can help so many others. I'll keep you posted. 😘⁣

DM to get on the waitlist. ⁣

Lots of love 💝⁣


Calling on the Ancestors


Becoming a Mother